JPmargin Market Analysis Team

JPmargin are well known for being experts in the Forex industry and our market research team regularly publishes market commentaries to update traders on the latest market opportunities and help fulfill trading strategy potential. The market research commentaries written by the JPmargin team are frequently picked up and referenced by the world's leading media publications and can also be seen as part of the company's continued commitment to furthering the education of traders globally.

Research Team

Daniel Brown

DS Brown
Chief Market Strategist (Gulf & MENA)(536 Topics)

Daniel Brown Chief market strategist is a multiple figure trader and has been trading & educating in the Forex, Futures, and Equity markets Stocks and crypto currency exchange since 1991. Daniel Brown has been a Headline speaker at the major derivative conferences, has been mentioned in several books and written many magazine articles.

The Live Trading Room allows members to “Earn & Learn” by following the experts during the London & New York Trading Sessions via an online video webinar platform.

JPmargin SignalsLive is their “mirror trader” that provides a “Hands Free” trading experience that allows members to pick and choose the trader they want to follow and automatically mirror the trades of the expert traders


John Moore

John Moore
Research Analyst(1333 Topics)

John Moore is a research analyst at JPmargin. A keen follower of macroeconomic events, with a strong professional and academic background in finance, Lukman is well versed in the various factors affecting the currency markets.

All market analyses from JPmargin are available in English, however some material is also available in Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese and Korean.


Paul Wright

Paul Wright
Market Analyst(330 Topics)

Paul Wright joined JPmargin in January 2019 as a Market Analyst. A highly experienced financial journalist and news presenter with an in-depth understanding of the Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific regions, Han will be providing valuable insights into local and international market news, as well as macroeconomic trends. Han will also act as the face of the company for these regions by providing market commentary, thereby solidifying JPmargin reputation as a leading authority on world currency trends.

All market analyses from JPmargin are available in English, however some material is also available in Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese and Korean.


Brad Stevenson

Brad Stevenson
JPmargin Market Analyst, Greater China(0 Topics)

Brad Stevenson joined JPmargin in 2020 as a Market Analyst. Channel will be delivering in-depth analysis across different asset classes such as currencies, stocks, metals/precious metals and commodities.


Latest Market Research Articles

US equity futures jump as Biden pushes through a $1.9 trillion stimulus program

25 January @ 09:47

By DS_Brown, Chief Market Strategist (Gulf & MENA)

Access to the right information can change your situation.. If you don't keep up with times and technology you'll be left behind With jobs being harder to find, shops being closed down from online sales eg Harris Scarfe is closing the doors after 170 years of trading When's the last time you went to a DVD shop We all have multiple streams of expenses but one income.. We have apps that take our money eg Uber, Ubereats, bills etc etc What if there was a way to have apps help us make money Online trading and online business are becoming the norm in our new age you only need the right information to learn a skillset that can change your situation and it all starts with a decision. Read full post
Key events this week: Big Tech earnings, Fed decision
Paul Wright

19 April @ 04:34

By Paul Wright, Market Analyst

Everyone is a Trader Some trade time for a paycheque Some people trade risk for profits Some people trade happiness for security Some people trade ethics for cash We are not taught about the cashflow quadrant in school, we only know to be on the left side.. There's nothing wrong with a job, but there is a right side to the quadrant where you have your money working for you rather than you working for it. Thanks to technology and having access to the right information we can now take advantage and create a passive income. What is the point of going to school to get a huge hecs debt then get a job and spend the next few years paying it off but having no time freedom and being miserable. Everyone should have a side hustle, there are opportunities everywhere, you just need to make a decision and be open minded.. . Formal education will make you living, self education will make you a fortune Jim Rohn. Read full post
Out with the old, in with more highs
John Moore

12 March @ 17:35

By John Moore, Research Analyst

You can make a million dollars or you can make a million excuses, but you can't do both.. If we not talking about leveling up, vision, impact and making moves then we should be talking investment and earnings Read full post
Out with the old, in with more highs
Daniel Brown

21 January @ 17:35

By Daniel Brown, head of team of trader and investment Manager Money coach and entrepreneur

Out with the old, in with more highs
Markets are in an ebullient mood as President Biden set to work on reversing America's isolationist stance in the world which can only be good for international relations - trade, co-operation, and commerce. The smooth transition of power has soothed any nerves and brought the need for a... Read full post

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